Supporting Documentation: Cape Breton Mine Water Analysis

Detailed Instructions to use this dataset

This dataset is composed of the following files:

Main data file

analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv : This file contains the main water quality analysis data, it contains all the relevant water testing data.

Controlled vocabulary data files

The following files contain descriptions of the controlled vocabulary used inside the analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv file. More specifically it contains:

This file contains French and English descriptions of the different CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Numbers which can be found inside the “cas_rn” column in the analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv file.
This file contains French and English descriptions of the different matrix codes which can be found inside the “matrix_code-code_matrice” column in the analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv file.
This file contains French and English descriptions of the different analytic method which can be found inside the “analytic_method-methode_analytique” column in the analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv file.
This file contains French and English descriptions of the different sample preparation method codes which can be found inside the “prep_method-methode_prep” column in the analyseeau-wateranalysis.csv file.

Data dictionary

analyseeau-wateranalysis-dd.xml: this file contains an explanation of each of the headers found in the data file and controlled vocabulary data file. This provides extra context for the data underneath each of the headings.

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