Supporting Documentation: Termium PLUS, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
Downloading terminology data
Definitions of textual support types
- On the page called TERMIUM Plus®, find the subject you are interested in under the heading "Data and Resources" and then click the Download button.
- Once the zipped files are saved to the computer, simply open them. You will see a list of CSV files.
- Extract the CSV files you are interested in to the drive of your choice.
- For each file, you may have to convert the data so that you can read them. Here’s how to do so:
- Launch a spreadsheet program (e.g. Microsoft Excel) and click Open.
- Navigate to the folder that you extracted the CSV files to.
- If you do not see a choice of files, select the option “all files” beside the window called “File Name.”
- Open the CSV file you want.
- In the Text Import Wizard, choose the Delimited option and click Next.
- In the second window, uncheck Tab delimiter and check Comma. Click on Next.
- In the third window, make sure the chosen format is General and click Finish.
- You’ll see the data clearly organized by columns. All that is left to do is to play with the column width to see all the data for each one.
- Based on these data, you can create a variety of linguistic tools such as a spelling checker or a terminology data bank.
- Definition
- Observation
- Context
- Phraseologism
Related Links
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