Supporting Documentation: Percentage of translation and interpretation services that comply with established quality standards

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Linguistic service categories

The Translation Bureau offers three categories of linguistic services.

Translation services:

This category relates predominately to translation, revision and editing services as applied to written content. The Translation Bureau offers these services to the Parliament of Canada, as well as federal departments and agencies, in the following languages:

The Translation Bureau can also assess the quality of texts that have been previously translated, revised, or written in either English or French, using recognized criteria that ensure the fairness and objectivity of that assessment.

Data related to the quality of this category of linguistic service can be found in this dataset, in records where the value in the Service-ENG column equals "Translation services" and the value in the Service-FRA column equals "Services de traduction".

Interpretative services:

Interpretative services refer to linguistic services which relate to spoken or visual input. The Translation Bureau offers interpretative services to the Parliament of Canada, and to federal departments and agencies in:

Data related to the quality of this category of linguistic service can be found in this dataset, in records where the value in the Service-ENG column equals "Interpretation" and the value in the Service-FRA column equals "Interprétation".

Terminology services:

Translation Bureau terminologists provide a variety of services and advice to the Government of Canada, including:

Terminologists also produce a variety of quality terminology tools and resources that are available free of charge to Canadians, including:

Data related to the quality of this category of linguistic service can be found in the Percentage of terminology services that comply with established quality standards dataset.

CSV file restructuring

As of the release of the 2021/2022 data, the structure of the CSV file has been updated. The original CSV file has been retained, but is has been labelled as archived and will no longer be updated.

A summary of the changes applied to the new CSV file can be found here:

Departmental Reporting Results (DRR) Calculation

The "Percentage of linguistic services that comply with established quality standards" indicator as reported in PSPC's annual DRR publication combines the percentage of time the Translation Bureau meets their established quality standards in the delivery of the above-mentioned linguistic services. The percentage of time each of the three categories of service achieved their intended quality standard is calculated independently, and then these three quality assessment values are averaged to derive the overall value for all linguistic services delivered in that fiscal year.

Note: Due to the level of effort required to gather and interpret the data used to perform these calculations, this DRR indicator is reported 18 months in arrears. As such, the value reported against the "Percentage of linguistic services that comply with established quality standards" indicator in the 2022 to 2023 Departmental Results Report were based on data from the 2021/2022 fiscal year (as reported in this dataset and the corresponding Percentage of terminology services that comply with established quality standards dataset).

Translation service quality assessment

Interpretation service quality assessment

Terminology service quality assessment

2021/2022 data

2019/2020 data

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