Supporting Documentation - Number of alternative dispute resolution processes that result in settlement agreements agreed to by both parties

The Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO) receives complaints related to procurement activity with the Government of Canada. The information in this dataset records how often these complaints can be resolved via an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.

These are the possible results of the ADR process (dataset column Dispute-Status_Statut-de-différend-eng):

NOTE: Only records with a Dispute-Status_Statut-de-différend-eng of one of the following three values are included in the calculations:

All records with other values in the Dispute-Status_Statut-de-différend-eng field are not applicable for the calculation of this indicator, as either the complaint was not suitable for the use of an ADR process, either the department or supplier involved in the complaint did not wish to follow an ADR process, or either party elected to withdraw from the ADR process before it was completed.

To calculate the DRR indicator “Percentage of alternative dispute resolution processes that result in settlement agreements agreed to by both parties”:

  1. Sum the values given in the Number-of-Disputes_Nombre-de-différends column for records with a Dispute-Status_Statut-de-différend-eng of “ADR resolved formally” and “ADR resolved informally” and with the appropriate fiscal year specified in the Fiscal-Year-Année-Fiscale column. This is the total number of successful ADR processes for that fiscal year.
  2. Divide this total by the sum of the Number-of-Disputes_Nombre-de-différends for all records with a Dispute-Status_Statut-de-différend-eng of “ADR resolved formally” and “ADR resolved informally” and “ADR did not result in a signed settlement” and with the appropriate fiscal year specified in the Fiscal-Year-Année-Fiscale column.
  3. Multiply the resulting decimal value by 100 to turn it into a percentage.

“ADR resolved formally” + “ADR resolved informally” “ADR resolved formally” + “ADR resolved informally” + “ADR did not result in a signed agreement” x 100

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