Supporting Documentation - Number of recommendations made by the Ombud acted upon by federal organizations

The Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO) reviews procurement practices of federal organizations and provides recommendations for improvement, then conducts follow-up reviews within 2 years to ensure the recommendations have been followed. The information in this dataset records the number of recommendations that were implemented.

NOTE: The measure Recommendations-Implemented_Recommandations-implimentés is based on the results of the follow-up reviews, so this measure is left blank where reviews are still outstanding.

To calculate the DRR indicator “Percentage of recommendations made by the Ombud acted upon by federal organizations”:

  1. Sum the values in the column Recommendations-Implemented_Recommandations-mises-en-oeuvre with the appropriate fiscal year specified in Fiscal-Year-Année-Fiscale.
  2. Sum the values in the column Recommendations-Provided_Recommandations-fournies with the appropriate fiscal year specified in Fiscal-Year-Année-Fiscale.
  3. Divide the sum of Recommendations-Implemented_Recommandations-mises-en-oeuvre by the sum of Recommendations-Provided_Recommandations-fournies.
  4. Multiply the resulting decimal value by 100 to turn it into a percentage.

Sum  of  Recommendations-Implemented_Recommandations-mises-en-oeuvre Sum  of  Recommendations-Provided_Recommandations-fournies x 100

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