Supporting Documentation: Public Service Pay Centre update

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New data elements and new data files, as of January 2024

The Public Service Pay Centre dashboard reports on the progress being made to ensure that public servants are paid accurately and on time. This dashboard was updated as of the publication of the January 2024 data to focus on the total number and age of outstanding transactions at the Pay Centre. The original version of the accompanying CSV file of this dataset has been labelled as archived and an updated version of the CSV file has been released to match this new format.

Some of the data elements that were included in the archived version of the CSV file were retained in the newer file, some data elements were expanded, and some where replaced or removed. A description for each data element (old and new) is provided in the Data Dictionary. The information below provides further details on how the data elements have evolved.


This data element represents the total count of all transactions that are ready for processing for Pay Centre client departments and agencies. In the updated data file, this data is broken down by transaction type:

Note: this data was broken out in a similar way in the archived version of the CSV file; however the Financial-transactions-pay-centre_Mouvements-financiers-centre-de-paye and Financial-transactions-home-dept_Mouvements-financiers-départ-d'origine values were combined together under the column Transactions-with-impact_Mouvements-ayant-des-répercussions.

In addition, the updated data file provides a breakdown of transactions in relation to services standards:

Note: all values are rounded (individually) to the closest thousand. Any discrepancies between the values displayed in the Transactions-ready_Mouvements-prêts column and the totals calculated from any related break-out columns shown in the lists above can be attributed to rounding errors.


This value has been replaced in the updated data file. In the archived file, this value was the total amount of financial transactions ready to be processed minus a fixed volumne of 80,000 "normal" workload transactions. Now, the combined data points for Financial-transactions-pay-centre_Mouvements-financiers-centre-de-paye and Financial-transactions-home-dept_Mouvements-financiers-départ-d'origine provide information for all pending financial transactions.


This value has been split into two data elements in the updated data file, depending on what organisation holds responsibility for processing the transaction: Financial-transactions-pay-centre_Mouvements-financières-centre-de-paie and Financial-transactions-home-dept_Mouvements-financières-départ-d'origine.


This value has been renamed Collective-agreements-transactions_Mouvements-conventions-collectives in the updated data file for consistency with the other pending transaction columns.


In the archived data file, this value represented the total financial transactions received. The updated data file value All-received-transactions_Tous-mouvements-reçus includes transactions with financial impact and those without to better represent the full volume of transactions received by the Pay Centre.


In the archived data file, this value represented the total financial transactions processed. The updated data file value All-processed-transactions_Tous-mouvements-traités includes transactions with financial impact and those without to better represent the full volume of transactions processed by the Pay Centre).


In the updated data file, this value has been replaced by 12mo-service-standard_Norme-de-service-12mois. This updated metric represents the percentage of non-collective bargaining transactions, due in each reporting period across the preceding 12 months, that were processed within service standards. The data used to report on this service standard has been available since April 1, 2023; therefore, the values calculated prior to May 2024 are based on the data available to date.

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