Supporting Documentation: Explanation of Data Content and Structure to Enhance Dataset Understanding
Further Details on Data Content
Please note that any exceptions or precisions to the field definitions provided in the data dictionary that are specific to this dataset are outlined below.
The following table provides a list of Government Banking System Transaction Type Codes and their corresponding descriptions. These transactions types have been grouped into the following categories: settlement of redemption claims made by financial institutions; Large Value Transfer System payments requisitioned by federal departments; Government of Canada debt items; and, account transfers and treasury management.
Settlement of redemption claims made by financial institutions
- Cheques redeemed at and processed by a financial institution (and claimed by the FI on the next business day)
- Cheques redeemed at and processed by a financial institution (and claimed by the FI on the same business day)
- Direct deposit payments processed by a financial institution
- Electronic Data Interchange payments processed by a financial institution
- Departmental Bank Account cheques redeemed and processed at a financial institution
Large Value Transfer System payments requisitioned by federal departments
- Government Large Value Transfer System Payments requisitioned by federal departments
Government of Canada debt items
- Canada Savings Bonds (electronic) redemptions
- Canada Savings Bonds (paper certificates) redemptions
- Matured Market Issue Bonds
- Matured Treasury Bills
- Matured Government Bond Coupons
- Wholesale (treasury bills and marketable bonds) & Old Style Retail Debt Redemptions
- Payment to Clearing and Depository Services Inc. - Canada's national securities depository
- Settlement of a foreign loan
- Marketable Bonds
- Funds lent to Canadian crown corporations through the Crown Borrowing Program
- Collateral posted by the Government of Canada in relation to a Credit Support Annex (CSA) with the direct clearing financial institutions
Account transfers and treasury management
- Pre-Authorized Debit Returns
- Disbursement from the Consolidated Revenue Fund operating account.
Note: This transaction is always associated to a deposit to the prudential liquidity fund (PLF). The related deposit transaction type, TOPLF, is found on the Bank of Canada Deposits dataset. The PLF is part of the consolidated revenue fund. - FRPLF
- Disbursement from the prudential liquidity fund (PLF).
Note: This transaction is always associated to a deposit to the Consolidated Revenue Fund operating account. The related deposit transaction type, TOOPA, is found on the Bank of Canada Deposits dataset. The PLF is part of the consolidated revenue fund. - EFR
- A regular transfer of funds to the Exchange Fund Account
- Transfer of funds to the International Monetary Fund
- FP
- Foreign Currency Purchase
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