Supporting Documentation: Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit, as per Public Accounts of Canada

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General notes


Public debt charges

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.


Tax revenues

Under the header SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Other income tax revenues" was modified to read "Non-resident".

Public debt charges


Return on investments

Under the header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Net gain (loss) on exchange" was modified to read "Net (loss) gain on exchange" to reflect the fact that the current year’s figure is a net loss on exchange.

Public debt charges


Other revenues

Under the header SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Consolidated Crown corporations and other entities" was modified to read "Consolidated Crown corporations".

Public debt charges

Under the header "SUB -TYPE", element "Other" was modified to read "Other liabilities".


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.

Return on investments


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Certain comparative figures were restated. Details on the restatement can be found in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Tax revenues & Public debt charges

Certain comparative figures were restated. Details on the restatement can be found in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Other revenues

Certain comparative figures were reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit & Public debt charges

Certain comparative figures were restated. Details can be found in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Return on investments

Under the header "TYPE-DETAIL", element "Net gain (loss) on exchange" was modified to read "Net gain on exchange" to reflect the fact that both the current and previous year’s figures are net gains on exchange.


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Other revenues

Due to the removal of "Crown Corporations" as a SUB-SECTION under "Other revenues", all elements under "Enterprise Crown corporations and other government business enterprises" were moved over in the dataset.


Under the header "TYPE_EN", element "Other program expenses" was modified to read "Other expenses".

Other revenues & Public debt charges

Certain comparative figures were reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation. Details on the reclassification are provided in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Return on investments

Under header "TYPE-DETAIL", elements "Net gain on exchange" and "Accrual of other revenues" were moved under header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE.

Public debt charges

Under header SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Other unmatured debt" was modified to read as follows: "Obligation under public-private partnerships".


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Comparative figures related to "Other revenues" (under the header "TYPE_EN") as well as "Other expenses" (under the header "TYPE_EN") were restated. Details on the restatement are provided in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Other revenues

Comparative figures related to "Sales of goods and information products" (under the header SUB-SUB-TYPE) have been restated. Details on the restatement are provided in Note 2, Section 2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Return on investments

Under header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Other accounts" was added.

Public debt charges


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Other revenues

Under header SUB-TYPE, element "Net foreign exchange" was modified to read "Net foreign exchange revenues".

Public debt charges

Under header SUB-SUB-TYPE, element "Cross-currency swap revaluation" was modified to read "Net interest on cross-currency swaps".


Goods and services tax

The quarterly tax credits (under the header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE) include the additional GST credit payments totalling $5,425 million in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Due to adoption of new accounting standards (PS3450, PS1201, PS2601), certain comparative figures have been restated to conform to current year presentation. For details please refer to Note 2 of Volume I Section 2 of the Public Accounts of Canada.

Return on investments

Due to implementation of new accounting standards (PS3450, PS1201, PS2601), to conform to current year presentation, the following elements, previously presented under header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE as "Loans, investments and advances" and listed under header "TYPE-DETAIL" as "National governments including developing countries", "International organizations" and "Other loans, investments and advances" have been reclassified into "Other loans, investments and advances" presented under header SUB-SUB-SUB-TYPE only.

Public Debt Charges


Other revenues

Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit

Return on investments

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