Supporting Documentation: Government of Canada—Domestic Payments

Further Details on Data Content

Please note that any exceptions or precisions to the field definitions provided in the data dictionary that are specific to this dataset are outlined below.


The various payments that are issued by departments are grouped and administered under a unique payment product code. Therefore, the product code identifies the nature or reason of a payment. Notwithstanding, Payment Product Codes are fluid by nature and may vary according to client needs. As such, dataset may be amended to reflect new values at a later date.
Product-Code-Code-de-Produit English Description
2010000010 Public Service Pay
2010000130 CRA Public Service Pay
2020000000 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pay - RCMP Pay
2040000000 Canadian Forces Pay Allotments
2043000000 DND Pay Allotments - Bulk
2060000000 Canadian Forces Release Pay
2060001000 Department of National Defense (DND) Travel Refunds
2060002000 Canadian Forces Regular Pay
2060003000 Canadian Forces Reserve Pay
2060004000 Post Living Differential
2310000000 Public Service Superannuation Account (PSSA) - Document Mailouts
2320000000 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension - RCMP Pension
2390000000 Judges Pension
2420000000 Canadian Forces Pension
2420000010 CF Superannuation
2440000000 Public Service Pension (PSSA)
3020000000 Old Age Security (OAS)
3021000000 Energy Cost Benefit
3030000000 Canada Pension Plan
3040000000 Veterans Affairs Pension
3050000000 RPS Pay Tax Forms T4, T4A(RCA), T5, REL 1,2,3
3060000000 War Veterans Allowance Payments
3070000000 Veterans Independence Program
3080000000 Veterans Affairs Payments
3090000000 Veterans Affairs Financial Benefit
3130000000 Children Special Allowance
3310000000 Canadian Jobs Strategy
3310000100 Canadian Job Strategy Second Product
3310000200 Canadian Job Strategy CSGC
3320000000 Agriculture Subsidy Payments
3320200000 Canadian Dairy Commission
3320300000 National Income Stabilization
3320400000 National Tripartite Stabilization
3320500000 Canadian Farm Income Program
3320600000 Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization Program
3330000000 Commercial Refund
3330000333 CBSA Commercial Refunds
3350000000 Customs Casual Refund
3530000000 International Agreements - Canada Pension Plan
3540000000 International Agreements - Old Age Security
4000000000 Accounts Payable - (All Client Departments)
4140000000 Canada Student Loans - Class A
4140000010 Canada Student Loans - Relief Payments
4140000020 Canada Student Loans - Direct Invoicing
4140000030 Canada Student Loans - Direct Loans
4140000040 Canada Access Grant Low-income Families
4140000050 Canada Access Grant Permanent Disabilities
4140000060 Canada Student Grants Program
4140000080 Canada Apprentice Loan
4150000000 External Affairs Allowance
4310000100 Ontario Senior Homeowners’ Property Tax Grant - EISO (OSHG-EISO)
4310000105 British Columbia Low Income Climate Action Tax Credit - EISO (BCLICATC-EISO)
4310000110 Working Income Tax Benefit - EISO
4310000115 Ontario Sales Tax Credit - EISO
4310000125 BC HST Credit - EISO
4310000130 Nova Scotia Taxpayer Refund - EISO
4310000135 Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit (NSALTC) - EISO
4310000140 Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit - EISO
4310000145 Ontario Energy Property Tax Credit (OEPC) - EISO
4310000150 Refund Set-Off - T1 TAM
4310000151 T1 IAMS - EISO
4310000155 Ontario Senior Homeowners’ Grant-EISO (OSHG-EISO)
4310000160 Alberta Energy Tax Refund - EISO
4310000170 Canada Revenue Agency - T1 Set-Off (Direct deposit (DD))
4310000175 Prince Edward Island sales tax credit-EISO (PEIS-EISO)
4310000180 Ontario Taxpayer Dividend - EISO
4310000185 NBST-EISO
4310000190 GSTC Refund Set-off
4310000195 ACLR-EISO
4310000200 CRA - T3 Trustee Refunds
4310000300 Duty Free Shop
4310000400 CCS - Customs Commercial Refunds
4310000410 GRS - Gov’t Rebate System
4310000430 Canada Revenue Agency - T1 Refunds
4310000431 Canada Revenue Agency - T1 IAMS Refunds
4310000432 Canada Revenue Agency - Requisition Refund System
4310000433 Canada Revenue Agency - CORPAC Refunds
4310000434 Canada Revenue Agency - TAM Refunds
4310000435 Canada Revenue Agency - PAYDAC Refunds
4310000439 Canada Revenue Agency - Reassessment Refunds
4310000441 Canada Revenue Agency - Non - Resident Refunds
4311000241 GST Rebates
4311000244 GST Returns
4311000245 GST Others
4311000250 Quebec Sales Tax (QST)
4311000450 Corporation Income Tax (CRA T2)
4314000000 CRA - Subsidiary Programs
4316000000 Custom Casual Refunds
4320000000 Government Annuities
4320000010 Atlantic Fisheries Early Retirement/Adjustment Programs
4332300000 GST/HST Credits
4332400241 GST Rebates - Stand Alone Rebates
4332400242 GST Rebates - Visitor Rebates CDN $
4332400243 GST Rebates - Refund Rebates
4332400244 GST Rebates - Blended Returns
4332400245 HQ Accounting Refunds
4332400247 Gasoline Excise Tax Refund
4332400248 GST Visitor Refunds (US$)
4332400249 GST Rebates - Non Numbered
4332400250 Refund of Excise Tax
4332400251 Refund of Excise Duty
4332400252 Rebate of Excise Tax on Tobacco - PEI
4332400255 Tobacco Export Charge Rebate
4332400256 CRA - Generic
4340000000 Payments - Elections Canada
4341000000 Elections Canada - Financial Reimbursement Management System (FRMS)
4350000000 Industry Canada Scholarship Program
4352000000 Newfoundland and Labrador Income Supplement - NLIS
4354000000 Ontario Taxpayer Dividend
4355000000 Alberta Energy Tax Refund RN Priority Mega
4356000000 British Columbia Energy Rebate (BCER)
4357000000 Nova Scotia Taxpayer Refund
4358000000 Energy Cost Benefit
4359000000 Alberta 2005 Resource Rebate
4360000000 Universal Child Care Benefit
4361000000 Ontario Home Electricity Relief
4362000000 Ontario Child Benefit (OCB)
4363000000 Working Income Tax Benefit Advanced Payment Notice (WITB)
4364000000 British Columbia Climate Action Dividend (BCCAD)
4366000000 BC HST Credit (BCHSTC)
4368000000 Ontario Sales Tax Transition Benefit (OSTTB)
4370000000 Canada Child Tax Benefit
4373000000 BC Child Benefits
4376000000 New Brunswick Child Benefits
4377000000 Saskatchewan Child Benefits
4378000000 Northwest Territories Child Benefits
4379000000 Nova Scotia Child Benefits
4380000000 Newfoundland and Labrador Child Benefits
4381000000 Nunavut Child Benefits
4382000000 Yukon Child Benefits
4384000000 Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)
4385000000 Prince Edward Island sales tax credit (PEISTC)
4387000000 New Brunswick harmonized sales tax credit (NBHSTC)
4413000000 Bank of Canada RDMS
4430000000 Bank of Canada - Canada Savings Bonds (CSB) Interest Payments
4434000000 Bank of Canada - Debt Administration Office Payments
4436000000 Canada RSP/FER du Canada
4437000000 Bank of Canada Market Issue Payments
4438000000 Bank of Canada Direct Retail Systems
4439000000 Bank of Canada Returned Interest Payments
4531000000 Canada Education Savings Grant
4600000000 First Nations Transfer Payments
4910000000 Employment Insurance
5000010001 Agriculture
5000030001 Canadian International Development Agency
5000070001 Environment Canada
5000180001 National Defense-Canadian Forces Housing Agency
5000220001 Health Canada
5000230001 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
5000260001 National Archives of Canada
5000320001 Immigration and Refugee Board
5000330001 Industry Canada
5000340001 Transport Canada
5000370001 Telefilm Canada
5000410001 Natural Resources Canada
5000440001 Western Economic Diversification
5000450001 Canadian International Trade Tribunal
5000530001 Correctional Services
5000650001 Federal Court of Canada
5000750001 Canadian Human Right Commission
5000860001 Fisheries and Oceans
5000890001 National Library of Canada
5000930001 International Development Research Center
5001010001 Canadian Transportation A I & S Board
5001220001 Canada Revenue Agency Taxation
5001270001 Public Works and Government Services Canada
5001310001 Law Commission of Canada
6000000000 Interdepartmental Settlements
9000000000 LVTS Finance
4315000000 Pre-Authorized DebitFootnote *
6660000000 Veterans Affairs Canada VLAFootnote *
6670000000 Veterans Affairs Canada - St. Anne’s HospitalFootnote *
7770000000 Pre-authorized Debits (PADs) - (AP)Footnote *
7770000018 DND CF Reserve Pension Buyback (PADs)Footnote *
8880000000 Pre-authorized Debits (PADs) - (BoC)Footnote *

Pre-AuthOrized Debits

Table 1 Note *

Pre-Authorized Debits (PAD) are issued by the same process as direct deposit (DD) payments. The major difference between a DD and a PAD is that a DD deposits money in the customer’s bank account, and a PAD withdraws money from the customer’s bank account. Currently, there are 6 PAD specific product codes.

Return to footnote * referrer


A complete list of legal department names and their respective numbers.


The Government of Canada uses a fiscal calendar that runs from April to March. The following is a list of fiscal months and their corresponding calendar month
Fiscal-Month-Mois-Fiscal Calendar Month
1 April
2 May
3 June
4 July
5 August
6 September
7 October
8 November
9 December
10 January
11 February
12 March

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