Supporting Documentation: Ministerial Expenditures by Type as per the Public Accounts of Canada
Volume 2, Table 2
On this page
- General Notes
- 2006—2008 CSV data files
- 2009—2016 CSV data files
- 2017—2019 CSV data files
- 2020 CSV data file
- 2021—2024 CSV data files
General Notes
- If no amount is shown, either the expenditures were less than $500 or none were reported.
- Column "Old age security benefits": Includes the guaranteed income supplement and the spouse's allowance.
2006—2008 CSV data files
Note: Columns "Old age security benefits, Canada health and social transfer, Fiscal arrangements, Alternative payments for standing programs and Other": Transfer payments for employment insurance benefits and Canada child tax benefits are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada of the corresponding year.
2009—2016 CSV data files
- Columns "Old age security benefits, Canada health and social transfer, Fiscal arrangements, Alternative payments for standing programs and Other": Transfer payments for employment insurance benefits are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada of the corresponding year.
- Column "Other": Transfer payments for Canada child tax benefits are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada of the corresponding year.
2017—2019 CSV data files
- Columns "Old age security benefits, Canada health transfer, Canada social transfer, Fiscal arrangements, Quebec abatement and Other": Transfer payments for employment insurance are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada of the corresponding year.
- Column "Other": Includes transfer payments for Canada child benefits.
2020 CSV data file
- Columns "Old age security benefits, Canada health transfer, Canada social transfer, Fiscal arrangements, Quebec abatement and Other": Transfer payments for employment insurance are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada 2020.
- Column "Other": Includes transfer payments Canada children’s benefits, fuel charge proceeds returned and Canada emergency response benefits.
2021—2024 CSV data files
- Columns "Old age security benefits, Canada health transfer, Canada social transfer, Fiscal arrangements, Quebec abatement and Other": Transfer payments for employment insurance, Children’s benefits, pollution pricing framework proceeds returned and Canada emergency response benefits are reported in Table 2a of Volume II, Public Accounts of Canada of the corresponding year.
- Column "Other": Includes other major transfers and other transfer payments.
Related Links
- Previous years: Public Accounts of Canada
- Current year: Public Accounts of Canada
- Open Government Portal
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