Supporting Documentation: Summary of remittance deposits collected on behalf of participating federal departments

Further Details on Data Content

Please note that any exceptions or precisions to the field definitions provided in the data dictionary that are specific to the individual datafiles within this dataset are outlined below.

Electronic Data Interchange Batch Statistics Datafile


A complete list of financial institutions and their corresponding Financial Institution Number can be found within the Financial Institutions Branch Directory on the Payments Canada website.

Please note that this field may contain blanks or 9999 if the originating financial institution is unknown or is not applicable to a given payment method.


This field is populated with the code assigned to the transaction batch by the originator. The following table outlines possible codes. On occasion, however, this field may contain erroneous information provided by the client department. Any transactions containing characters other than the codes listed below should be ignored.
Statistics-Batch-Payment-Type-Code-Type-du-code-de-paiement-du-lot-des-statistiques English description
H6PAP9999 Paper-based bill payments for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
H6ELE9999 Electronic bill payments for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
820EL9999 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency
MAILDOTHR Cheques remitted via mail for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
TELTR9999 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency
TCMTR9999 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency
PAYRO9999 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency made by payroll service providers
MAILDPOSD Post-dated cheques now cashable on behalf of departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
MAILDPOST Post-dated cheques received for future encashment on behalf of departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
CANACT820 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency made by through the Can-Act service
ELETRANSF Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency
TELPAY820 Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency that are initiated through Telpay
MAILDUSDS US dollar denominated cheques for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
MAILDCASH Cash or foreign denominated cheques for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
PAYROLL Electronic bill payments for the Canada Revenue Agency made by payroll service providers
CHRGBACK Chargebacks for departments participating in the Bill Payment Service
CBSA820EL Electronic bill payments for the Canada Border Services Agency
GARNISHEE Pay Deduction to Canada Revenue Agency

Electronic Data Interchange Detail Statistics Datafile


A complete list of financial institutions and their corresponding FI Account Financial Institution Number can be found within the Financial Institutions Branch Directory on the Payments Canada website.

Please note that the numbers will have a preceding zero, followed by the three digit Financial Institution Number assigned by Payments Canada.


Although this field usually represents a unique identifier associated with a designated banking facility for processing deposits for a specific government department, this field could be blank if not populated by the originator.

Paper-Based Remittance Deposit Statistics Datafile


A complete list of financial institutions and their corresponding FI Account Financial Institution Number can be found within the Financial Institutions Branch Directory on the Payments Canada website.

Please note that the originator in some cases may populate this field with erroneous data (for example “12E6” or “0000”) which is treated as invalid data within the Government Banking System. Additionally, a value of “9998” shall represent paper remittances that are received via mail and not processed through a financial institution.


Although this field usually represents a unique identifier associated with a designated banking facility for processing deposits for a specific government department, the originator in some cases may populate this field with erroneous data (for example authorization numbers starting with “000”) which is treated as invalid data within the Government Banking System.

Paper-Based Remittance Batch Statistics

This field is populated with the code assigned to the transaction batch by the originator. The following table outlines commonly used codes.
Transit-Time-Batch-Type-Code-Type-de-lot-du-temps-en-transit English description
L Indicates that remittance was received as part of a payroll list.
M Indicates that the remittance was made via a cheque issued by a financial institution and delivered to Canada Revenue Agency by mail.
R Indicates that remittance was paid through client’s financial institution.
X Indicates an adjustment to a corporate suspense account.

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