Supporting Documentation: Authority codes list as per the Government-wide Chart of Accounts

For details on a financial coding element such as the authority codes, you may refer to the most recent version of the Government-wide chart of Accounts.

Please note that changes to financial coding for the current (or up-coming) fiscal year can occur at any time.

On this page

2018 CSV data file

Release notes ordered by date, of all the authority codes changes that occurred in 2017-2018 fiscal year.
Date Code Status Note
2018-03-08 A149 Modify The department 005 has been authorised to use this code in 2017 to 2018.
2018-03-08 B129 Modify The department 005 has been authorized to use this code in 2017 to 2018.
2018-01-30 G156 Create Code created as requested by the Department of Finance.
2018-01-18 P704 Modify Since the department 136 falls under the Health Portfolio, this authority code hierarchy as been modified accordingly.
2018-01-18 A803 Modify This code falls under the Health porfolio and not Agriculture.
2018-01-18 N333 Suspended Code suspended. Not required by the department 014 anymore.
2018-01-18 A631 Suspended Code suspended. Not required by dept 014 anymore.
2017-12-15 B138 Create New code created for department 163.
2017-12-08 B139 Modify The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by the department 022 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.
2017-12-08 B159 Modify

The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by departments 022 and 042 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.

2017-12-08 B149 Modify

The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by departments 022 and 042 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.

2017-12-08 B129 Modify

The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by departments 022 and 042 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.

2017-12-08 A149 Modify The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by departments 022 and 042 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.
2017-11-23 B119 Modify The department 025 received the approval from the Receiver General to use this code.
2017-11-23 A149 Modify The department 025 received the approval from the Receiver General to use this code.
2017-11-10 A149 Modify The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by department  017 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.
2017-11-10 B119 Modify The Receiver General has approved the use of this financial code by department  017 in fiscal year 2017 to 2018.
2017-11-07 P808 Create Specified purpose account created as requested by department 023.
2017-10-30 N627 Activated New specified purpose account created to be used only by the department 027.
2017-10-30 N612 Activated New specified purpose account created to be used only by the department 027.
2017-10-30 L220 Activated New specified purpose account created to be used by the department 027.
2017-10-27 A167 Create

Authority code created to be used by the department 061.

2017-10-11 A153 Modify Information added to the description related to the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research to support a pan-Canadian artificial intelligence strategy.
2017-09-19 N627 Create

New specified purpose account created for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

2017-09-19 N612 Create

New specified purpose account created for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

2017-09-19 L220 Create New specified purpose account created for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.
2017-09-13 N211 Create Authority code created pursuant to the Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act and the Income Tax Act (Chapter 14 of the Statutes of Canada, 2016) and the Order in Council 2017-0178.
2017-07-07 A445 Create New code created pursuant to the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No.1, Section 195(1-3).
2017-07-06 A828 Create New authority code created pursuant to the Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1, Section 403.
2017-02-10 D314 Create New code created as requested by TBS.
2017-02-08 H251 Activated Code reactivated as requested by the department 033 and approved by the RG.
2017-02-07 A401 Modify Description modified for consistency purposes in the wording used in the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act, the Government-wide Chart of Accounts and the Public Accounts of Canada.

2017 CSV data file

Release notes ordered by date, of all the authority codes changes that occurred in 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Date Code Status Note
2017-04-04 P706 Create Specified purpose account specific to the department 001 has been created.
2017-02-10 D314 Create New code created as requested by TBS.
2017-02-09 A401 Modify The Municipal Grants Act was renamed Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act. Therefore, the description has been updated accordingly.
2017-02-09 H251 Activated Code H251 reactivated as requested by the department 033 and approved by the RG.
2017-02-03 A401 Modify The Municipal Grants Act was renamed Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act. Therefore, the description has been updated accordingly.
2016-07-26 B269 Modify As per Order in Council (2016-0679), designates the Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs as the appropriate Minister for PPP Canada Inc.
2016-07-26 B268 Modify As per Order in Council (2016-0679), designates the Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs as the appropriate Minister for PPP Canada Inc.
2016-07-19 F157 Create Authority code created as requested by TBS.
2016-07-19 F152 Modify Name and description changed as requested by TBS

2016 CSV data file

Please note that this dataset is final and will not be modified/updated.

Release notes ordered by date, of all the authority codes changes that occurred in 2015-2016 fiscal year.
Date Code Status Note
2015-12-24 G158 Suspended Code suspended since it is not required by Dept 005 anymore.
2015-12-10 B246 Modify As per Order in Council 2015-1237, this code is specific to dept 142.
2015-12-10 B263 Modify As per Order in Council 2015-1243, this code is specific to dept 127.
2015-12-10 B214 Modify As per Order in Council 2015-1252, since November 4, 2015, this authority code is specific to dept 135.
2015-12-10 B212 Modify As per Order in Council 2015-1252, since November 4, 2015, this authority code is specific to dept 135.
2015-04-15 A163 Create New authority code created pursuant to the Section 60.1 to the Department of Employment and Social Development (ESDC) Act. It is department specific to 014.
2015-01-21 A127 Create New statutory authority code pursuant to section 24(1) of the Financial Administration Act

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