Supporting Documentation: Financial assistance under budgetary appropriations to consolidated Crown corporations, enterprise Crown corporations and other government business enterprises

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2006/2007 to 2023/2024


2006/2007 to 2021/2022

Note: Amounts relating to header "TYPE_EN" item "Financial assistance under budgetary" in the dataset were deleted as they reflect a total of all other amounts related to each Entity for a particular fiscal year in the table presented in Section 9 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.

2006/2007 to 2014/2015

Note: "Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation" under header "Entity" includes budgetary appropriations for Government programs known as the "Minister’s Account".

2006/2007 to 2008/2009




2007/2008 to 2008/2009

Note: Item "Operating" under header "TYPE_EN" related to entity "Canadian Wheat Board, The" includes payments from the Department of Finance for grants and contributions to meet the commitments made by Canada under multilateral debt reduction agreements.


Note: During the year, entity "Old Port of Montreal Inc." changed names to become "Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc."



2010/2011 to 2015/2016

Note: The financial assistance under budgetary appropriations related to entity "Atomic Energy of Canada Limited" does not include the amounts it received for Decommissioning Funding. This amount has been presented as Other Revenues from Government, Crown corporations and other entities in Table 4.2 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada.


Note: During the year, entity "Canadian Museum of Civilization" changed names to become "Canadian Museum of History".



2017/2018 to 2023/2024

Note: The amounts related to header "TYPE_EN" items "Program, Operating, Capital and Transfer Payments" are no longer reported for section 4 of Volume I of the Public Accounts of Canada, the total of these amounts is now reported under header "TYPE_EN" item "Financial assistance".


Note: VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc. (VIA High Frequency Rail) is a federal Crown corporation, incorporated in November 2022 and is wholly owned by VIA Rail Canada Inc.

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